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Laura Klopfenstein
collectionacrylic and ink on paper 15 3/4 x 20 inches available through Jen Tough Gallery | stuckacrylic and ink on paper 15 x 20 inches | feeding frenzyacrylic and ink on paper 18 x 24 inches |
rough yearacrylic, ink and pencil on paper 15 x 20 inches | shedding skinacrylic and ink on paper 15 x 20 inches available through Jen Tough Gallery | snaaakeacrylic and ink on paper 20 x 15 inches |
cohereacrylic and ink on paper 18 x 24 inches -sold- | webacrylic and ink on paper 8 3/4 x 15 inches | big dumb birdacrylic and ink on paper 22 x 30 inches |
dumpyacrylic and ink on vellum 8 1/2 x 12 inches |
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